Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Meet Jesse Hornback

My name is Jesse Hornback. I am 29 years old and live in Sigourney, a small town (pop. 2,200) in Keokuk County, a rural county located in Southeast Iowa. I have lived there most of my life short of a few years. I have been married to my wife Crystal for approximately four years we have a 2½ year old daughter, Madelynn. I am employed as the Community Services Director for Keokuk County and have been there also approximately four years.

I see this upcoming trip through GSE as a chance of a lifetime and to grow both professionally and personally. It is unlikely that I will have the opportunity afforded to me anytime within the near future to travel literally half-way across the world to observe and take part in a country and culture that is so very different from ours and not to mention the extreme honor it is to represent Rotary Club District 6000, Iowa, and the United States as a whole. I will have the opportunity to see professionally as a local government official how India’s governmental process works first-hand and perhaps take something away that might benefit those that I serve but also perhaps offer something to my counterparts; an exhange of ideas which is true reason behind this trip. Personally, this is a chance to travel and see the world and share the things I see and do with my family not to mention memories I will carry with me forever. All of these things are the reasoning behind why I want to participate in this exchange.

I owe a big thank you to Rotary Club District 6000 for choosing me for this opportunity and also a thank you to the Washington Rotary for sponsoring my application. But I also owe a thank you most of all to my wife and daughter for giving me this chance although I know the biggest hardship will be on them.

As the trip nears (two weeks from today!), the anticipation grows. While I haven’t been at all nervous; I am starting to experience the last minute anxiety about immunizations, packing everything I need, and leaving my family for almost a month. Wish me luck (and my wife and daughter) and I will try to keep up to date as to my activities in India. Happy holidays!